Astrophotography Collage Portraits
If you liked the composite image the artist created for the background of the above Star Trek poster, then the following works are for you! The slideshow and subsequent gallery are all portraits drawn to fit in with astrophotography and composite images from observatory data, all are official, high-resolution NASA images collaged and edited by the artist.

DJ Pee Wee x NASA
The following image is actually a tile gallery! Click on each image to learn more about some Easter eggs left by the artist, as well as the details of the NASA images used from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. Fun Fact: The record Anderson .Paak is DJing as Pee Wee in this portrait is a completely unaltered composite image of the Crab Nebula!
(NOTE: The tile gallery only displays properly on a desktop browser.)
Music Posters
A quick collection of poster-sized and styled portraits of some of the artist's favorite artists!

Queen of the South
Alyssa Michelle Stephens, better known by her rapper name, Latto. The tiara, earrings, and necklace are original designs by the artist.